
Boost Marketing ROI: Unleash the Power of Cost-Effective Solutions

May 16, 2023 8:00:00 AM / by Leah Feldman

In the competitive world of multifamily marketing, it's essential to find cost-effective and innovative ways to attract new residents and retain current ones. One strategy that's gaining traction is the use of resident ambassador platforms. These platforms leverage the influence of your current residents to promote your community, create a positive brand image, and ultimately drive more leases. Let’s talk about the cost-effective nature of resident ambassador programs and how they can maximize return on investment (ROI) for multifamily marketers.

What Is a Resident Ambassador?

Resident ambassadors are current residents who are passionate about their community and are willing to share their positive experiences with friends, family, and their social networks. These residents can be influential in driving new leases because they offer authentic, relatable perspectives on the property, which can be more appealing to potential renters than traditional marketing methods. By engaging and empowering resident ambassadors, you can leverage their influence and tap into their networks to reach a wider audience, all while keeping costs low.

More Cost-Effective Marketing

One of the most significant benefits of a resident ambassador program is its cost-effectiveness. Traditional marketing channels can quickly become expensive and may not give you the results you want. On the other hand, resident ambassador programs require minimal investment, as they mostly rely on the enthusiasm and social reach of the ambassadors.

The [DIY] Strategy

Step 1: Identify Potential Ambassadors 🎯

To kick-start your resident referral program, begin by identifying potential ambassadors within your community. Look for residents who:

  • Are active on social media
  • Regularly attend community events
  • Have a strong social circle

You might consider hosting a "meet-and-greet" event to connect with potential ambassadors and gauge their interest in the program. This will also help you build rapport and start a dialogue with prospective ambassadors.

Step 2: Provide Incentives and Support 🎁

For your referral program to succeed, it's essential to offer rewards for successful referrals. Some popular incentives include:

  • Rent credits
  • Gift cards
  • Exclusive community perks

In addition to rewards, you’ll want to provide resources to help ambassadors effectively promote your community.

Step 3: Encourage Content Creation 📸

Content creation is an integral part of any successful referral program. Invite ambassadors to create and share:

  • Photos of their living spaces and community amenities
  • Videos showcasing resident events or daily life
  • Blog posts detailing their experiences in the community

Organize contests or themed campaigns to encourage diverse content and foster friendly competition among ambassadors. For example, you can host a "Pet-Friendly Community" contest where ambassadors share photos of their pets enjoying community amenities. The best photo could win a gift card to a local pet store.

Step 4: Organize Ambassador-Hosted Events 🎉

Events are an excellent way for ambassadors to showcase the community's social atmosphere. Encourage them to host events like:

  • Game nights
  • Movie screenings
  • Potlucks

Provide support for organizing and promoting events, such as supplying materials or promoting them on your social media channels. For instance, host a "Newcomer Welcome Mixer" where ambassadors invite friends and acquaintances who are potential renters to mingle and learn about the community.

Step 5: Track and Measure Success 📈

To ensure the effectiveness of your referral program, you’ll want to monitor its success by tracking metrics such as:

  • Referral conversions
  • Resident and prospect intent
  • Social reach

Gather feedback from your ambassadors and adjust the program as needed to ensure ongoing success and effectiveness.

By following these steps and incorporating a resident referral program into your marketing strategy, multifamily marketers can create a cost-effective and impactful initiative that maximizes ROI and drives more leases. Start leveraging the power of your residents today and watch your communities thrive.

Learn how Rentgrata’s easy-to-implement platform can help bring your strategy to life.

Tags: Renters, Community Building, Renter Engagement, Community Branding

Leah Feldman

Written by Leah Feldman